Posts Tagged: ressler’s rules

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization”

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization” It has been said that an army travels on its’ stomach but modern organizations travel on a highway of crisp dollar bills. How those dollars are apportioned and spent determines much of the effectiveness of the organization. Without regard to whether the organization isRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rules #11 “… he not busy being born is busy dying”

Ressler’s Rules #11 “… he not busy being born is busy dying” This particular rule comes from a Bob Dylan song: “It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding”) and has been with me most of my adult life. DIGRESSION: The referenced song is (at least to me) one of the most perceptive, influential, and sardonic songsRead… Read more »