Posts Tagged: office

Survivor: Cubicle Farm

Also no surprise, the business community, whether private sector or government-based, tends to focus on the knowledge, skills and abilities related to job performance or career development. But rare is the job advertisement that warns: Successful applicants should be prepared to remain seated for biologically unnatural periods of time.

8 Emotional Intelligence Tips for Building an Inclusive Workplace

Colleen Stanley teaches emotional intelligence to sales professionals and has one of the best plain English definitions of emotional intelligence. What are you feeling, why are you feeling this emotion and how does it impact how you show up? Since interacting with others who are different from us is an emotional experience, emotional intelligence hasRead… Read more »

Stop What You’re Doing — Engage Your Employees!

Agency leaders and managers — stop what you’re doing – focus and engage! You’re looking at a whirlwind of challenges and problems that seemingly feed on each other as you drown in an ocean of HR calamities: It takes too long to hire someone You can’t attract the talent you need New employees are boggedRead… Read more »

Just Who IS Your Tribe?

There are some colleagues you just love to spend time with – and others that can take you from “okay” to “I’m-going-to-stab-MYSELF-with-a-pencil-to-make-you-go-away” after five minutes! What’s the difference? The first person is your tribe – the type of person you enjoy spending time with, who feeds who you are as a person, who has valuesRead… Read more »

Dealing With Conflicts at the Workplace

Conflict is an inherent part of any workplace. A sharp disagreement or opposition of interests and ideas are part of businesses. However, when it occurs, the morale of the employees will be lowered. Absenteeism will be much higher and the production will decrease. Managing and resolving the workplace conflicts is one of the biggest challengeRead… Read more »