Customer Service Design Thinking

To improve how government delivers customer service, agencies must understand how customer experiences work, how expectations are set and met, and how experiences are perceived and remembered. During the NextGen design thinking workshop, Molly Moran, Executive Secretariat’s Research and Design Center, State Department explained how the foundations for how meaningful and valuable experiences are defined, designed, and developed for government entities.

Molly dreams that someday soon, we’ll have made technology interfaces so intuitive that we can stop training government employees on individual software programs. Think of the money we’ll save!

5 Key Take-Aways!

  1. Intentional designing – actually involve the people you are designing for-bring in people that are close or exactly the same in the design process
  2. “Co-creating” working with people who may not be able to articulate what they need
  3. No surveys- virtually asking ppl what you want to hear verse hearing the actual needs of people. Ex: Great president or the Greatest President-Steven Colbert asking what you want to hear
  4. The sounding board- allowing people to add open-ended feedback, honest and you can hear what ppl actually have to say.
  5. Mapping out someone experiences: Looking at the process “designers revenge” what is the process like for the customer?

Key: When you feel the need to explain things too much it could mean it’s not functional!

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