Search Results for: Agile

How to Build a More Agile Data Strategy

This topic snapshot outlines the value of migrating to the cloud and how that process can be made easier. Download, How to Build a More Agile Data Strategy now: Brought to you by:

Agile Tips to Manage Everyday Disruption

We all need better ways to handle varying workloads and increased disruption. Being agile can help. This resource will provide you with quick tips on how you and your organization can be agile today. Get your copy of the quick tips resource now: Brought to you by:

How to Build Trust in Agile Methodologies

Getting organizational culture to change is an immense task. But it starts with trust. We created this resource to provide a high-level rundown of how you can start to build trust in Agile methodologies, and slowly but surely, change culture. Download your spotlight resource now: Brought to you by:

Escaping Fake Agile 2.0

Many agencies have become so militant in the day-to-day implementation of Agile that the rituals and documentation become more important than iteration or adhering to the values of the Agile Manifesto. In this article, learn ways agencies can embrace agile practices while still adhering to regulatory requirements.