Posts By Sonia Chakrabarty

The Public Sector Future of Interfacing with the Internet of Things

To discuss more about how the public sector can properly interface and interact with this new world of data and sensors, GovLoop sat down with Steven Sarnecki, Vice President, Federal & Public Sector, and Stephen Bates, Director, Advanced Analytics at OSIsoft, an industry leader in operational intelligence and advanced data analytics for over 35 years.

How GIS Works to Combat Fraud

GIS technology can be used to help address fraud, waste and abuse in several different ways. Organizations benefit from closely examining location-based factors to identify hot spots, regional variations and clusters, such as co-locations of services. Then, real-time data analysis shows spatial trends that inform predictions about future needs and issues — or, in this… Read more »

Why Should Agencies Modernize Applications?

Not only does modernizing your agency’s applications mean spending less on costly, outdated systems, it also leads to a more streamlined and agile portfolio. Modernization cuts the clutter, so to speak, and eliminates unneeded outdated applications, enabling changes and updates to be made much more rapidly and effectively throughout the enterprise.