Posts Tagged: Featured Contributor

Turn Your Data Analytics Office into an Innovation Matchmaker

To really move the needle in a way that sustainably transforms the organizational culture to a data-driven one, agencies need to progress beyond these initial ad-hoc use cases. They can do this by strategically harnessing the creativity and operational know-how of departmental staff to identify analytics opportunities enterprise-wide.

5 Ways to Build a Personal Brand – And Put it Into Action

Your personal brand is what makes you unique. It is what distinguishes you, and how people remember you. Your personal brand comprises your entire image: It’s how you communicate to the world online and offline to your citizens, your colleagues and your network. Phone conversations, emails you send, the way you conduct meetings—these are allRead… Read more »

Navigating the Grey Areas in Artificial Intelligence Implementations: Perspectives on Ethics in AI

Ensuring that you implement artificial intelligence into your mission in a responsible manner can be a daunting task. While there is no silver bullet, being aware of the trade-offs empowers leaders to navigate the grey in a way that aligns with the values of the organization.

Redefining the Analysis Tradecraft with AI-Powered Analyst 2.0

The role of a data analyst is evolving in the era of emerging artificial intelligence (AI). So much so, we might need to relabel this role as Analyst 2.0. Here’s a look at what Analyst 2.0 means for the next-gen data guru helping organizations use data for better decision-making.

How to Figure Out Who Your Government Customer Is

As a government employee, you are here to serve. The public entrusts you with their hard-earned tax dollars to seek optimum solutions, act in their best interest, and represent them with honesty and integrity. It is easy to lose sight of this when the needs of superiors, coworkers, and the public are in conflict.