
2012 NextGen Schedule & Information


Day One: Thursday, July 26, 2012
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Make Friends & Eat


9:00 AM – 9:15 AM Welcome Session RECAP

Dave Uejio, Lead for Talent Acquisition, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; and President, Young Government Leaders
Steve Ressler, Co-Founder, Young Government Leaders & President, Govloop


9:15 AM – 10:15 AM Keynote Session

”What Do Change-makers Have in Common”
Andrew Rasiej, Founder, Personal Democracy Forum RECAP VIDEO


”Corporate Rebel: How to be an Intrapraneur within Government”
Carmen Medina, Former CIA Director of Intelligence, author of series “Corporate Rebel” RECAP AUDIO VIDEO


”Creating Innovation in Government”
Todd Park, U.S. Chief Technology Officer RECAP VIDEO


10:15 AM – 10:30 AM



10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Breakout Sessions
1. 21st Century Leadership: Chaos, Conflict, and Courage
Clemson Turregano, Senior Faculty Member, Center for Creative Leadership, Government Sector
James Trinka, Executive Director, Senior Executive Leader Development Program, Office of the Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs
Noha Gaber, Special Assistant for Collaboration and Innovation, Administrator’s Office, Environmental Protection Agency 

Government as a classical bureaucracy now has challenges in terms of a rapidly changing world, the rise of social networks both within and across agencies, the increased role of non-government and private sector organizations, and the increased need for greater fiduciary responsibility. Learn how to think horizontally and work across groups – while also operating within the classical hierarchy of the bureaucracy.


2. Cross Sector Collaboration
Bridger McGaw, Special Advisor for Cyber Security and Infrastructure Resilience, Office of the Under Secretary, National Protection and Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy, Director, Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Art Stevens, General Manager, MicroPlace
Michelle Viegas, Operations Senior Associate, Inter-American Development Bank
Stacy Kane, Presidential Management Fellow, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

To solve social problems, the government must find creative ways to work with other types of organizations including foundations, private companies, and non-profit organizations. In this session, you will learn about innovative examples of cross-sector collaboration. The presenters will also provide you with tips on how to engage in cross-sector collaboration in your own work in the government.


3. Never Too Young to Plan – Financial Planning from TSP to Insurance
Nicolas Troy Abrams, Founder, AJW Financial Partners
Erin Doyle, Benefits Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs
Rebecca Schreiber, Certified Financial Planner, Solid Ground Financial Planning
Bobby Whiteside, Client 4 Life Insurance and Financial Services

From TSP to FEGLI to HSAs, financial planning can be boring and full of acronyms. But, it’s essential. Come to this session to learn the nuts and bolts about insurance and retirement in understandable English and tailored to the young fed experience. After all it’s not a benefit unless you understand it. RECAP  SLIDES DOCUMENT


4. Project Management 101: Getting Things Done in Government
Doug Brown, Practice Lead, Enterprise Architecture and Program Management, Vigilant Watch Integration
Brent Bushey, Information Technology Project Manager, Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement
Shaun Khalfan, Program Information Assurance Manager, Defense Information System for Security, Defense Logistics Agency

There is a science to project management called the PMP exam. However, there is a true art to actually getting big projects done in government. Hear from young successful government leaders on how to get projects done in government – navigating the bureaucracy to building teams and alliances. RECAP  SLIDES


5. Think Sustainability
Barbara Englehart, Business Sustainability Consultant, Englehart Consultant
Katie Miller, Program Analyst, General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service’s Office of Acquisition Management
Josie Ostrander, Senior Analyst, Government Accountability Office
Julia Philpott, Sustainability Professional, PRIZIM, Inc
Addie Spahr, Founder, Green Living Consulting, LLC

Sustainability is more than just a buzz word – it’s a widespread business model and an increasingly important federal government priority. Sustainability is not just about protecting environmental resources, there are financial and public health implications as well. This panel will discuss various ways of addressing sustainability from both public and private sector perspectives, and why all should be paying attention to sustainability policies, programs, and practices. RELATED INTERVIEW


6. The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback
Beverly L. Norwood, Director of Leadership and Executive Programs, Government Accountability Office

There is an art to giving and receiving feedback. To get better, feedback is necessary – but it also can backfire if handled poorly. This session is for managers and non-managers and addresses the art of feedback and working with subordinates or peers/team members. SLIDES


7. Movin’ on Up: What you’ve always wanted to know from HR about advancing your career
Michelle Lipinski, Senior Human Resources Specialist, National Institutes of Health
Rebekah Geiger, GS-14 government rock star, National Institutes of Health

Navigating steps, grades, and competition through USA Jobs can be overwhelming. This session will teach you the strategies and tips for boosting your federal career. You’ll learn how to maximize your resume, accelerate your advancement, and make a lasting impression on your organization. RECAP  SLIDES


11:30 AM – 11:45 AM



11:45 AM – 12:45 PM Luncheon Keynote
Relentless: Investing in Leaders Who Stop at Nothing in Pursuit of Greater Social Impact
Mario Morino, Author, Leap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes in an Era of Scarcity

America needs a fundamental rethinking in the nonprofit and public sectors if we are to solve our most pressing social challenges. The cruel irony is that supply of funding for nonprofit and government services is diminishing at precisely the moment when the demand is soaring. To rise to these challenges, nonprofit and public-sector leaders will need to build on what they’ve already accomplished and increase their performance. In the midst of dramatic structural shifts, our society will only be as strong and successful as our institutions, and they will only be as successful as the talent that leads them. RECAP


12:45 PM – 1:15 PM



1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Breakout Sessions
1. Being a Seasoned Government Leader: Knowing When to Blend-In and When to Rebel
David A. Bray, Principal Strategist and Senior National Intelligence Service Executive, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Barbara B. Pabotoy, Associate Chief Human Capital Officer, Human Capital Services, Department of the Treasury
Melanie S. Stinnett, Deputy Chief Counsel, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Department of Justice
Bill Valdez, Principal Deputy Director, Office of Economic Impact, Department of Energy

Being a seasoned government leader requires you to know what expectations government was designed to reward — and then make deliberate decisions when to work within expectations and when to step outside of them. This panel will discuss experiences and strategies for identifying knowing when to blend-in and when to rebel; when to operate within expectations and when to operate outside of them and survive.


2. Why Congress Matters
Dr. Kenneth Gold, Director, The Government Affairs Institute, Georgetown University

This first-hand overview of how Congress affects the daily operations of every department and agency in the executive branch. He will provide tips on managing congressional relationships and dealing with congressional hearings on government programs. Additionally, he will provide an update on the 112th Congress and what government employees can expect this term. RECAP


3. Social Skills & Workplace Savviness
Alex Mavroukakis, Co-Founder, Rising Acquisition Professionals Community, RAP-C
Yianni Konstatopoulos, Business Development Director for Blue State Digital

To get ahead, it is important to have social grace and be savvy at the workplace. In this session, we’ll work through the fundamentals such as: how to work the room, work the halls, carry yourself, be reliable, dress to impress, interact across generations, behave at a meeting and navigate an organization.



4. Road to Analytical Stardom: Using Data of All Sizes to Illuminate Insights
Carter Hewgley, FEMAStat Director, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Melissa Kline Lee, HRstat Project Manager, U.S. Office of Personnel Management & President (2011 – 2012), YGL Los Angeles
Chris Musialek, Chief Software Architect,, Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, General Services Administration
Dennis Still, Client Performance Analyst, GovDelivery

Government agencies are using the power of analytics to understand government performance as well as analyze key trends, catch fraud, and drive better citizen engagement. In this session, you will learn tips on using data to effectively do your job better. Learn key analytical strategies that will help you become an analytical star within your agency or organization. SLIDES


5. Civic Engagement & Open Innovation: Engaging Stakeholders in 2012
Story Bellows, Director, Institute on City Design, Office of the Mayor, City of Philadelphia
Kevin Curry, Program Director, Code for America Brigade
Jeff Friedman, Manager, Civic Innovation & Participation, Office of the Mayor, City of Philadelphia
Nigel Jacob, Co-Chair, Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics
Andreas Addison, Civic Innovator, City of Richmond

All government agencies need input from stakeholders. So how do we increase civic engagement In 2012 across new technology channels and new forms of engagement? How do we co-create programs together with open innovation inside of working in silos? This session will talk about best practices in civic engagement and open innovation. RECAP


6. Presentation Design for the User Experience
Dave Uejio, Lead for Talent Acquisition, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; and President, Young Government Leaders

From giving a presentation to your SES to presenting your ideas in a meeting, it is essential to be a great public speaker. In this session, you’ll learn from Dave tricks on preparing a great presentation, creating compelling Powerpoint and presentation materials, and how to quickly and effectively pitch your idea at a meeting. RECAP SLIDES


7. You Need a Mentor: Here’s How to get One Right Now!
Jennifer Bledsoe, Business Management Specialist at General Services Administration, Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt
Brian Deming, Senior Compensation Specialist, Federal Reserve Board
Jennifer Sellers, Vice President, The Training Connection
Honorable William D. Spencer, Clerk of the Board, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board
Andrew Krzmarzick, Community Engagement Director, GovLoop

One of the most effective ways to vault your career is by having a mentor. But sometimes you don’t know where to start. In this session, you’ll learn about GovLoop’s first-of-its-kind, government-wide mentors program and how you can get involved. We’ll have mentoring experts as well as a mentors and mentees from our Spring Program on hand to answer your questions in real-time. You can even sign up for our Fall 2012 Program on the spot. RECAP


2:15 PM – 2:45 PM



2:45 PM – 3:45 PM Breakout Sessions
1. Leading Innovation in Government: Practical Advice for Leaders at Any Level
Matt Collier, Senior Advisor to the Director and Deputy PIO for Innovation, Office of Personnel Management
Jonah Czerwinski, Director, VA Innovation Initiative, Department of Veterans Affairs
Robert Page, Organizational Development Specialist, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

With the budget crunch confronting nearly every agency, federal employees are once again being asked to do more with less. Leaders offer continuous improvement and innovation as the answer, but where do you start? How do you generate good ideas? How do you take those good ideas all the way to implementation? Join us for a moderated, interactive panel discussion among leaders building their agencies’ innovation agendas. RECAP  SLIDES  AUDIO


2. Lost in Translation: Interpreting and distinguishing Military to Civilian Speak
Pam McCelland, Co-Financial Education Specialist, Office of Servicememeber Affairs, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Dennis Slagter, Chief Human Capital Officer, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Returning veterans come with many skills that would be perfect for federal jobs. However, it can be difficult to overcome the language barrier as military officers to transition to civilian life. This session will offer tips on translating skill sets and highlight new tools that help with the process.


3. Leading with Your Heart, Then Your Mind: EQ & Leadership Effectiveness
Ericka Hines, Social Change Diva

There is no dispute that IQ matters in a leader. But what about EQ- emotional intelligence? Research shows that the most effective leaders – and the most effective and productive people in any role – aren’t those with the highest IQ, but those with high degrees of emotional intelligence (EQ). What does EQ mean and why does it matter? What does that mean in terms of your leadership skills? And how do you leverage those skills for your position, your career, your team and your work? This session will encourage you to answer those questions and put them into action.


4. Leveraging Social Media Skills
Joseph Porcelli, Director, GovDelivery & GovLoop Engagement Services
Lauren Modeen, Engagement Specialist, GovDelivery & GovLoop Engagement Services
Betsy Steele, Project Manager, Federal Systems Integration and Management Center, Client Support Centers, Office of Assisted Acquisition Services, Federal Acquisition Service, General Services Administration

Social media is no longer a fad or what you do for fun at night. Instead social media plays a big role in how to connect with citizens and improve collaboration in public service agencies. This session will teach you how to use social media effectively in government from tactical tips to insight on navigating the legal and security hurdles. RECAP SLIDES


5. Framework of Managing Your Career
Frank Digiammarino, Former White House Official

To achieve a successful career government, no one is going to do it for you – you need to manage your own career. In this session, government leader Frank Digiammarino walks the audience through his career framework which provides a foundation to thinking through key decisions and building the skills to be the successful leader. RECAP GUIDE


6. How to Run an Effective & Efficient Meeting
Jennifer Stanford, Chief Executive Officer, Emergent Performance Solutions

Recent survey data reports that leaders spend between 30-40% of their week in meetings – that isn’t the worst of it, the survey also shares that leaders feel 50% of that meeting time is a waste of time!In a time where organizations want to ensure increased levels collaboration and teamwork it feels like more time is spent convening. This session will offer concrete tips on deciding what meetings are really necessary and for the ones that are, how to make meetings achieve the objective, take a minimum amount of time, and leave participants feeling that their time was well spent. RECAP  SLIDES


7. Overview and In depth Conversations: What is your Next Move? Prep for SES or “Manager of One”?
Kriste Jordan , Senior Advisor, Transportation Security Administration
Alex D. Tremble , Program Manager, Executive Education, Department of Interior
Kitty Wooley , I.T. & Investment Management Team, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management, Department of Education
Prepare to operate powerfully in either role, as we discuss the unique opportunities and challenges in taking the Senior Executive Service path vs. inventing a satisfying career as a nonsupervisory expert or “Manager of One.” As Fried & Hansson (37 Signals), suggest in their New York Times Bestseller, Rework:

Managers of one are people who come up with their own goals and execute them. They don’t need heavy direction. They don’t need daily check-ins. They do what a manager would do – set the tone, assign items, determine what needs to get done, etc. – but they do it by themselves and for themselves.

Why is it that some view nonsupervisory work as “less than,” while some individual contributors develop significant influence and the ability to make things happen from any position that plays to their strengths? Effective preparation for either path involves developing a persistent belief in one’s own competence and understanding how to get results that matter to the organization. Trade insights with panelists who continually choose their paths from positions of strength, and come away with tools, connections, and next steps. SLIDES  RESOURCES


3:45 PM – 4:00 PM




4:00 PM – 4:15 PM Lightning Speakers RECAP
“Nature 3.0 – Using Technology to Connect People with nature”
Michael Gale, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service VIDEO
“Put the Action in Your Action Plan”
Emily Sadigh, County of Alameda, California 

“A Journey Into Blindness: The Blind Professional”
Teresa Shea, National Institutes of Health RECAP VIDEO


4:15 PM – 5:00 PM General Session
Mayor Alex B. Morse, Mayor of Holyoke, MA RECAP

Presentation of the NextGen Leadership Award


5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Networking Reception at Laughing Man Tavern 


Day Two: Friday, July 27, 2012
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Registration Desk Opens & Office Hours


9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Breakfast Conversations

Participants will be grouped by job function and participate in a network and information sharing exercise


10:00 AM – 11:00 AM General Session Panel
How to Drive Big Change in Government
Frank Digiammarino, Former White House Official
Thomson Nguy, Principal Business Development Manager, Amazon Web Services
Khawaja Shams, Manager, Data Services for Planning and Execution, NASA
Lena Trudeau, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic Innovations, General Services Administration

We all want to make a big impact on hard problems but big change in government is tough. In this session, we will talk to senior leaders about how to drive big change in government with real world examples how they’ve navigate successful outcomes with limited budgets, changing scope, and a myriad of stakeholders. RECAP


11:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Break & Office Hours


11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Breakout Sessions
1. Working Across Generations
Jeffrey Vargas, Chief Learning Officer, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Sean Clayton, Acting Deputy Assistant Regional Commissioner, Management and Operations Support, Social Security Administration

Gen Y brings different skill-sets and cultural norms to management relative to Gen X and Baby Boomers. Discuss how these skill-sets both complement and may sometimes run counter to the management styles of other generations in government, and strategies for working across generations.


2. Want to Improve Government? Try Design Thinking
Stephanie Rowe, Founder & Organizer, Design Thinking DC
Ethan Appleby, Director of Advanced Training for a strategic consulting firm in Abu Dhabi

Come experience the power of design thinking in a fast-paced and hands-on activity. Design thinking is about tackling our world’s most complex problems in tangible and relevant ways by taking a human-centered and iterative approach to problem solving. It’s about putting more innovative options on the table. It’s about bringing ideas to life quickly through experiments to see what works and what doesn’t. It’s ultimately about opening ourselves to new possibilities in a time of uncertainty. Leading companies like Google, IDEO, and Facebook do this all the time, but it doesn’t stop there. Government has started doing it too!


3. Write Better, Think Critically
Nick Charney, Public Servant, blogger, speaker, digital citizen, father, and husband.

There isn’t an app on the planet that can make you a better writer or critical thinker. These things come with practice, structure and support. Learn how to find your groove as a writer, as a thinker, and most importantly as a leader. RECAP SLIDES


4. Tech Tips – 50 Ways to Be More Effective at Work
Abhi Nemani, Director of Strategy, Code for America

Prezi as an alternative to Powerpoint, Dropbox as a means to share large files. Know that person in the office who always has the best tech tips? In this session, you will learn 50 ways to be more effective at work with tech tips from Code for America fellows. They will share tips, websites, and shortcuts they use to be more effective in getting the job done. SLIDES


5. How to Make Effective Decisions: Leadership Lessons Learned from an Undercover Case and a Violent Street Gang
John Torres, Deputy Assistant Director, Headquarters, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

How do you make the right decision? Big decisions are complex – sound decision making comes from a mix of experience, outreach to your network, and research. This session will describe best practices on how to gather research in decision making, empowering your team on decisions, and balancing the trade-offs in the decision making process. RECAP


6. Networking from the Light Side of the Force
Andrew Foxwell, Director of Marketing and New Media, iConstituent
Dave Uejio, Lead for Talent Acquisition, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; and President, Young Government Leaders

Networking is a critical function in a successful career, and every individual must carefully select their networking opportunities to maximize their returns. This breakout session will discuss the importance of networking and how to use this tool to grow and sustain your personal network as well as provide insights on using your networking tool successfully. TOP TWEETS


12:30 PM – 12:45 PM



12:45 PM – 1:45 PM Lunchside Chat RECAP

Matt Mullenweg, Founder, WordPress & Successful Young Entrepreneur
Jon Carson, Director of the Office of Public Engagement, White House 


1:45 PM – 2:00 PM



2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Office Hours


2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Breakout Sessions
1. Problem Solving: Improving Acquisitions
Joanie Newhart, Associate Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, OMB
Jeremy McCrary, Procurement Analyst, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, OMB

Acquisition is one piece of getting an agency the supplies and services it needs to accomplish its mission. Einstein is reported to have said that if he had one hour to save the world he would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution. Defining the problem or developing a good requirement is the foundation for a successful acquisition, yet far too often too little time is spent on this important step. Come spend an hour with us to explore the challenges in developing requirements and help us find some ways to more effectively identify and define government needs. Your input will be utilized in the development of upcoming government-wide acquisition guidance.


2. Problem Solving: Improving Technology

This workshop session will educate attendees in problem solving skills pertinent to improving technology. By attending, you’ll hear a United States Marshals Service (USMS) technologists describe the challenges they face with deploying advanced mobility platforms (iPads and iPhones) to a field force engaged in law enforcement activities. Participants will be asked to provide suggestions for an effective strategy that is compatible with the confidentiality and sensitivity of field operations. NextGen attendees will break out in teams to problem-solve, come up with new ideas, and propose solutions.


3. Problem Solving: Improving Budget
Mark Dronfield, Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business
Melissa Neuman, President-Elect, AABPA
Andrew Pavord, Prinicipal, Federal Consulting Alliance

With diminishing resources, Government agencies are being asked to present budget justifications with evidence and rigorous evaluation. Strong evidence based on practical assumptions helps decision makers prioritize what is funded and helps frame a real debate on issues. What are the best techniques can agencies use to analyze and justify their budgets? What methods and tools should agencies use to conduct evidence analysis and how should the evidence be presented in budget documents? In this session, attendees will use interactive tools to discuss how agencies can jump data and analysis hurdles to develop and submit an evidence based budget submission.


4. Maximizing Your Early Years: From NextGen to SES
Claire Thurston, LEAD Program Manager, Office of Personnel Management
Tyler Robinson, Financial Modeling Specialist, Export Import Bank of the United States
Eric Velez-Villar, Assistant Director, Directorate of Intelligence, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Are you new to government? In the middle of a leadership program like PMF?

Hosted by the YGL Los Angeles and Philadelphia Chapter Presidents, this session will be a discussion about setting your career goals and what you can do to achieve them. Even if SES isn’t your ultimate destination, this session can still help you direct your career path and avoid a regretful retirement. Providing a menu of options, as well as practical Dos & Don’ts, the panel will include an up-and-coming NextGen leader, an SES member sharing their journey, and an OPM representative sharing leadership development & training opportunities for aspiring young leaders from PMF to SES, and everything in between. RECAP


5. Supervisory Training: Being a Great Federal Supervisor & Beyond
Winona H. Varnon, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management, Department of Education
David M. Wulf, Deputy Director, Infrastructure Security Compliance Division, Office of Infrastructure Protection, National Protection and Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security

Are you a new to the supervisory role or wanting to be a manager in the next few years? You might be asking: “What did I sign up for? Why does it matter? What does it take to be an effective manager?” This session will offer supervisor training amongst a panel of seasoned SES members sharing their proven practices on how to be a great manager from setting expectations, encouraging effective employee performance, learning the personnel and merit systems, and building a great team through coaching and mentoring. RECAP


3:00 PM – 3:15 PM



3:15 PM – 4:15 PM Closing Keynote  RECAP
“Collaborating for Results”
Joe Jordan, Administrator, Federal Procurement Policy AUDIO VIDEO
“Work On Purpose”
Lara Galinsky, Sr. Vice President, Echoing Green VIDEO

“Attributes of an Olympian”
Adam Nelson, 2-time Olympic Medal Winner, Shot Put AUDIO VIDEO


4:15 PM – 4:30 PM Summit Close
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