
New 2 Gov: How Does It Feel to Be Hated

Alright so first off let me outline the premise of this new blog series. I work for GovLoop but I am not and never have been a govie, rather my background is in journalism so I am have way decent at asking questions and that’s where you come in.

Alright let’s rock.

No one wants to be told that they suck but as a government employee you basically in a roundabout way sign up for it at ever level state, local and federal all a like. How does it feel?

Don’t believe me, well according to Dr. Forrest Morgeson, Research Scientist, American Customer Satisfaction Index:

“Citizens tend to have depressed expectations with Federal government; this is mainly an American phenomena, and these expectations are often not based on any prior experiences”

So basically doesn’t matter if someone has never dealt with the government, they already hate it (and you by consequence) without prior reason. How does it feel?

In fact according the research done by the ACSI there are only 3 things that people complain about more than government: airlines, supermarkets and cable tv. Two out of those three, just like government are everyday services. it would seems that a large reason gov’t is hated is because people think it’s an everyday service that should work 100% percent of the time and when it doesn’t they get pissed. Wow working perfectly 100 percent of the time is a crazy expectation. How does it feel?

First off I don’t think you suck and according to the numbers you actually don’t but sadly people don’t work in numbers. Looking at numbers the SSA scoring a higher satisfaction than companies like amazon, ebay and google. I bet that feel good!

Ok so my question if you haven’t guessed it is how do you keep your head up when everyone thinks you suck even though numbers would suggest otherwise? Does the government have any program in place to get employees ready for this? Adding on to that what makes you the angriest about the way government employees are thought of? Picture the comments section as the couch at the psych feel free to vent.

I would say I’m a rather pessimistic person but still not sure I could take the day to day beating that some govies take. I’m amazed and appreciative.

Next Week I’m asking about Acquisition so get ready.

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