
3 Models of Citizen Engagement

Our government is supposed to be a government for the people by the people. We really don’t specify who “the people” are so it’s probably safe to assume that it means everyone.

I know the process works so most everyone can participate in it BUT the problem is that a majority of them don’t take government up on that offer. Simply put citizen engagement is lacking.

So what can we do about it? In our recent report: Innovating at the Point of Citizen Engagement we detail 3 models for citizen engagement:

Looking at the page above from our report you can see that each model slowly but surely pushes citizens into engaging with government. The baseline steps, whether it be Maslow’s Hierarchy or The Ladder of Citizen Participation, are roughly the same.

The progression of citizen engagement isn’t anything new but picking up new innovative ways to accomplish those steps is the key to moving people down the line and increasing government participation.

Click here to see the full guide.

We also want to offer a special thanks to the sponsors of this report:

To learn more about Accela and their Civic Cloud, please visit In addition, please check out our full interview with Accela CEO Maury Blackman.

To learn more about the ways in which GovDelivery drives citizen engagement, please visit: Also, be sure to read our full interview with GovDelivery CEO Scott Burns.

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