
Don’t Expect a Federal Pay Raise – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER:

Sequestration Reader

The SEVEN stories that impact your life

  1. Some agencies are being hurt by budget cuts more than others. Federal Times surveyed more than 600,000 feds to find the most stretched agencies. Agriculture, Homeland Security, Interior, Education and Commerce departments ranked among the 25 most stretched agencies. Find the full list here.
  2. The General Services Administration has cancelled two more conferences. Federal Times reports, it will not hold FedForum, formerly FedFleet, slated for July 16 in New Orleans, nor the SmartPay Training Forum, scheduled for Aug. 6 in Chicago, because travel budget cuts have reduced expected attendance. Check out our interview with Larry Allen about the costs of these cancellations.
  3. President Obama has tapped Justice Department’s top civil rights enforcer, Thomas Perez, to be his next Labor secretary. Federal Times reports, Perez has a long career in public service. Before he was appointed to run the civil rights division at Justice in October 2009, he was chosen by Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley to head the state’s Department of Labor. He also served on the Montgomery County, Md., Council, and spent nearly 12 years in federal government. Most of that time was spent as an attorney in the civil rights division.
  4. There could be another update to FISMA. FCW reports, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee introduced a bill on March 14 to update federal information security regulations to include continuous monitoring of cybersecurity threats and regular threat assessments.
  5. Federal News Radio reports, a coalition of federal employees’ groups is warning Congress: remember the mistakes of the 1990’s National Performance Review. Back then, one out of every six employees left the federal government. But government auditors found the review did not save as much money as it claimed. It also encouraged frontline workers, rather than mid-level managers, to leave. The Coalition for Effective Change said without strategic personnel planning backlogs rose at customer-focused agencies like the IRS, Social Security Administration and Veterans Affairs.
  6. Federal News Radio reports, the White House is saying no to agencies who want more office space. Real estate managers have until May 15 to submit a plan for maintaining their current square footage. Plans have to cover offices and warehouses. The Office of Management and Budget calls the policy, Freeze the Footprint. GSA gets the task of monitoring agencies to make sure they don’t bust out. Once plans are approved, any increase in space at one location will have to be offset by reductions somewhere else. Calculations of existing space will use the 2012 Federal Real Property Profile and data from leasing agreements.
  7. And on GovLoop, have you registered for our next DorobekINSIDER live. The virtual panel of experts will feature the debate about the future of Gov 2.0. Register now.

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