
Friday Fab Five – Ressler Rules, Mentoring and Online Privacy

Every Friday, we take a quick look back at the week and highlight five members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s who and what rocked it out this week.

5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week goes to John Ressler‘s Ressler’s Rule #10: If You Don’t Systematically Plan, Life is a Series of Random Events. I’ll clear the air, yes John is Mr. GovLoop’s Pops but seriously is a great blogger. Minus the classic rock references, which are sheer dynamite, his post always leave you with great gov’t career and maybe more importantly life advice.

Planning for me is making sure you’re leaving no stones unturned! I am stuck on your last sentence which states” learn from your mistakes and celebrate your successes. I would simply like to add the following two words “Give Thanks”. I like Michele’s comment “about not taking plans so seriously because plans change. Great blog entry! – Curt Canada

4. The Top Forum was Mentoring is a Two Way Street by Deena Larsen. While the forum didn’t grab any comments it by far and away the most pageviews this week on GL. The forum announces the enrollment period for FEW’s mentoring program and outlines the pros of being on both sides of the mentoring ball. Also a shout out should go to FEW who as an organization has been rocking out on GovLoop lately.

3. Most Active Group honors go to Blacks in Government Group. The group was active this week when Judith Ojo asked how she could actually join up with the NYC chapter for a mentor and right on cue the GovLoop way Calvin Stevens answered her question and now Judith has applied from membership and will shortly be using their mentoring services.

2. Quote of the Week comes from Martha Garvey in response to Heather Krasna‘s Should I Reveal My Leadership in Certain Organizations on My Resume? I’m always one for a little humor and Martha definitely got a laugh from me and also got to the point later on in her comment.

Well, if it is actually a 12-step group-that is a group that ends with the name “Anonymous”–I wouldn’t recommend mentioning it during an interview, or on a resume. But it’s not because someone is going to judge you….If, on the other hand, the group you’re talking about is an educational or advocacy group, such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and what you did in that group tracks to what you’ll be doing in the new job, it makes sense. – Martha Garvey

1. Finally, Rockstar of the Week goes to Tim Evans. Tim has been all over the community recently as evidence by his newly earned status of mega user (yes the random jewels in your profile do mean something… kind of). Tim has been a commenting machine and also found the time to crank out some great blog posts including my favorite read of the week: Obama Administration Calls for Online Privacy Bill of Rights.

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