
Gettin’ Jiggy With The Cloud (Back It Up)

NetApp SteelStore is a cloud integrated storage appliance that has changed the way governments are able to send backup and archive data to cloud. One of the greatest threats to government entities is data breach or loss. NetApp’s SteelStore boosts data recovery, cuts costs, and most importantly eliminates risks.

Govloop’s “The Key to Unlocking Cloud Backup and Recovery” online training on April 16, 2015 discussed the benefits of using systems like SteelStore to ensure safety and efficiency within government departments. First up, Alan Dare, District Manager for the US Public Sector Cloud at NetApp shared basic principles of their cloud-integrated storage services. He addressed common questions often raised by cloud-newbies, such as how to efficiently use hybrid cloud to store data across organizations.

Providers such as Hyperscale cloud can transport widespread data as seamless as possible while providing information on when and how data is made available to different services. With the use of NetApp’s cloud knowledge and devices, agencies have seen a significant decrease in data recovery problems as well as a drop in total cost of cloud storage.

Government workers are becoming younger as seasoned government workers look to retire. It is essential that modern technology within the government remains up to date. Even Dare has seen first hand what younger generations need to be productive and influential. He mentioned his son, as a millennial, wants everything to be instantaneous. NetApp understands this and their number one goal is to provide speedy recovery, backup and secure data storage through SteelStore.

Next up, Robert Micielli, Director of Enterprise Technology Services at King County, WA spoke from personal experiences with SteelStore. King County was suffering problems with the intense demand of current architecture and a $1.1 million cost to complete a total infrastructure refresh. The county of 1,931,249 citizens that hosts one of the most rapidly expanding cities, Seattle, is the most populous in Washington State.

Micielli turned to NetApp to find an efficient data storage strategy. SteelStore was the obvious option with its unparalleled efficiency and ironclad security on an open platform. However, the implementation process was met with several barriers. Micielli reiterated four key steps needed to ensure a smooth and successful transition:

  1. Set up a proof of concept: Micielli used NetApp’s convenient 60-day trial to test the systems functionality with small datasets. He used these positive results to build trust of cloud-integrated storage within his department.
  2. Address security and legal requirements: His agency was committed to meeting all state and federal requirements. He engaged with the law head on to ensure a lawful transition that would efficiently manage county resources.
  3. Change management: Sell the transfer to cloud-integrated storage internally. Micielli said it took about three months to work with his team and prove that control and secure backup is very possible through cloud. It is important to take the IT staff as well as the customers on a journey through the new system to highlight the value of SteelStore to the organization.
  4. Start Slow and accelerate overtime: Micielli emphasizes this key point often. He started with an internal test that he could control completely then moved to cloud paralleled with the tape to ensure complete security then finally tested real world restores. Each step saw positive results.

Eventually King County saw rapid growth and cost savings. In just a three month time period, the client base grew from 126 to 318, which accounted for 70% of all their backups.

Overall, NetApp and their cloud-integrated storage capabilities have been a source of innovation, growth, and promising security for government entities across the Untied States. Govloop’s “The Key to Unlocking Cloud Backup and Recovery” online training was filled with unique information and best practices that can be utilized by any agency or locality that is looking to keep up with modern technology while managing large amounts of data.

To view the speaker’s slides and listen to the entire online training follow this link. You can further explore NetApp’s cloud services here. Also, be sure to download Govloop’s Forecasting the Cloud: Eight Ways the Technology is Changing Government Guide to learn more about cloud’s influence.

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