
Gov 2.0 Summit – Aneesh Chopra

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Tim O’Reilly talking to Federal CTO Aneesh Chopra on stage…

Chopra says he has three levels to have impact:
Influence on standards
Influence on R&D spend
Influence on procurment – $76 Billion in federal IT

How do you get out of the DC bubble?
Government that works. Operates in the light of day. Such as Open Government directive use of tools to open up discussions.

Where are you in the Open Government Directive?
Eat our own dog food. Did 3 part process to engage community. Literally weeks away from issuing the directive. First principle is structured approach that is not tied to a particular White House.

Plans will have several key features – structures schedule for how data will be released.
Asked to report on how engage public in policy-making. How they intend to engage public in policy making.

Several other platform will be created like, IT dashboard.

Creating a policy-working group to talk about barriers. Creating a government that works.

Will provide incentive payments to doctors to move to electronic health care.

Need to find best practices and celebrate them.

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