
10 Government Women You Should Follow on Twitter (Federal Edition)

The federal government is filled with awe-inspiring female public servants. But with so many women doing so many awesome things, how do you keep track of all those accomplishments?

While I read a number of newsletters and check multiple websites daily, I find that the easiest way to stay keyed into women in government is through Twitter. By following these change-makers on social media, I get a constant, first-hand perspective of what’s happening in the public sector.

Below are my ten favorite female feds on Twitter. Be sure to follow them to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest achievements of women in government!

@OPMDirector is a good person to follow if you want to keep a pulse on the federal workforce. She’s also making it a priority to make government a place of equal opportunity for women and minorities, so you’ll want to stay tuned to her Twitter feed for updates on those initiatives.

@BernettaReese also offers great updates on OPM’s priorities via Twitter, but with a more digital focus.

Speaking of digital government, @Erie has a killer tech resume and now she’s bringing her skills to the U.S. Digital Service. Follow her to learn what’s happening over at the innovative new federal agency.

@jenngustetic is another awesome lady in civic tech. She also serves as the Assistant Director for Open Innovation at the White House. Not too shabby.

And I can’t forget @AnnDunkin who keeps me up-to-date on the latest and greatest in federal government IT.

@FLOTUS is a must for your Twitter feed, not just because she’s the First Lady but because she is constantly tweeting news about White House initiatives and priorities. And she’s pretty funny on Vine, too.

When you think of federal government, you probably think of the executive agencies first and foremost. But don’t forget the judicial system! @LorettaLynch is another leading lady on the federal stage that you should definitely follow on Twitter.

@AmbCathyRussell is an advocate for women’s rights on the global stage. Follow her to see what the U.S. is doing for women at home and abroad.

@MaryDavie is the Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Integrated Technology Services in GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, so she offers some great insight on IT and procurement. But what I really love about her Twitter feed is how she gives a unique and real insight into the life of a federal civil servant.

@WomenNASA isn’t technically one woman; it’s an organization representing a ton of awesome ladies in space. What’s not to love?

Do you have other suggestions for federal women to follow on Twitter? Let us know in the comments section below!

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