
Learn About the biggest trends in Cybersecurity!

GovLoop’s 4th Annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit is less than a month away! In anticipation of the our all-day training event, each week we’ll share snippets of information that will be elaborated on throughout the trainings. The free summit will be on April 22nd, starting at 10 AM ET — be sure to check out the schedule and register so you can attend up to 5 trainings (and earn up to 5 CPE credits), download over 200+ resources and network with your government peers. 

Cybersecurity is a growing priority for all government agencies. Just between 2006 and 2012, cyber threats increased by 782%. It’s more important than ever for all government employees to learn as much as they can about how to protect their networks from a breach. You don’t want to become apart of the growing number of hacked federal computer networks (in 2013, there were 46,605 breaches in the federal government).

The cybersecurity training during the summit will consist of five lightning sessions presented by different government experts.

One of the topics will discuss our current cyber workforce strategy and what governments at all levels are doing to ensure their employees have the necessary skills to combat future cyber challenges such as identity theft, hacks and insider threats.

Another session will focus on developing an effective strategy for identity and access management that can be utilized at all levels of operation. Most pubic agencies lack a clear plan for securing their technology against threats. This session strives to spark a proactive response for attendees, focusing on the fact that ALL government workers must help build a protective wall that grows with the ever-evolving technology space.

The government is not the only sector at risk from cyberattackers. This past year everyone heard about breaches at Sony, Target, JP Morgan Chase, and Home Depot that affected the financials of millions of households. The third session will expand on private-public opportunities to share best practices while protecting our nation’s families and interests. Collaboration will be essential to tackle this daunting problem.

While there is still much work to be done, the government has taken steps to secure its networks. The Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program is just one approach to strengthening IT security across government networks. The fourth session will help relieve ambiguity in CDM while elaborating on how the program has already helped and what it can do for the future.

The final lightening session will discuss how innovation can be harnessed to address security threats. What does the future hold for the government? We will take a look at these trends and touch on how you can think outside of the box while protecting your network.

Cybersecurity Trends” is a part of GovLoop’s Government Innovators Virtual  Summit, an all-day virtual event that consists of five different trainings, networking opportunities, and resources to help you get better at your job. Don’t forget to register for free so you don’t miss out on hearing from experts such as Barry Condrey, the Chief Information Officer at Chesterfield County, or Daniel Hanttula, the Director of Information Technology and Services in Oklahoma City, on how they address cyberthreats. You’ll earn one continuing professional education (CPE) credit in computer science for attending this session – so make sure to register here!

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