
The H1N1 Rapper

The H1N1 Rapper

By now you may have seen the winning entry for the HHS H1N1 Public Service Announcement Contest.
It’s a doctor who is a rapper who raps about how to prevent H1N1.

Personally, I find it hilariously awesome. Who knew that would be the winning entry? Who knew we had a rapping doctor?

I think the H1N1 rapper exemplifies the beauty of contests and emergent knowledge networks. Often we reach out directly to people we know who have talents and get expected results.

With emergent networks, we really don’t know who will show up and what they will say. That’s kind of scary at times.

But also kind of cool. It’s the beauty of living in the grey.

Remember Good Will Hunting….who would have thought the janitor was a math whiz?

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