
Top 5 – Fictional Elected Officials in Movies

Last week’s top 5 got a little on the serious side with the top 5 things we hate about politics so this week we’ll take it a little lighter and move on the silver screen. After-all it is Friday.

When I started making this list I really had no idea there were so many movies tackling the same issues government does. What can I say I guess what we do is pretty dang interesting. But since there is almost an infinite amount of awesome characters to chose from I’d really love to hear your suggestions in the comments section of the thread.

Now on to the list.

5.) Mr. Smith – from Mr. Smith goes to Washington: First off the current day Mr. Smith is probably a tea partier but he’s also pretty inspiring so I’m willing to look past that. Honestly Mr. Smith being filmed in 1939 means that he has stood the test of time and standing up for what you believe in never really gets old.

4.) Andrew Shepard – from the American President: Love and politics don’t normally mix and when they do it’s not normally between to single people but it’s nice to imagine that love can be found on the political circuit.

3.) Bulworth – from Bulworth: Haven’t you always wanted to have a politician tell it like it really is? Well than Bulworth is your man. Not only is this character hilarious but he achieves what a lot of us would like to see out of politician: someone who’s bluntly honest.

2.) Thomas J. Whitmore – from Independence Day: If being the President during the debt ceiling crisis is difficult than what is being the President like when alien invade?

1.) James Marshall – from Air Force One: Harrison Ford doesn’t negotiate with terrorist and neither does America. I’ll agree that the overall performance is lacking here but Marshall gives us maybe the most iconic line in a President movie ever:

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