
Top 5 Must Have Work Gadgets

Some people are gadget people and some aren’t. But in the best possible way, gadgets make your life better.

At work, I think there are a couple must-have gadgets:

1. Bluetooth – If you spend any time on the phone, you need a Bluetooth. It frees up your hands, so you can work as needed. And you can potentially take work conference calls on your way home.

2. To-Do list – Some people use Outlook tasks. Some people keep track in Apps like Evernote. But you need a good gadget to keep track of all the to-dos at work.

3. Extra battery/charger – For work on the road, it is inevitable that you will run out of batteries on your phone at some point. Thus, the need for an extra battery or portable charger. Essential.

4. A good chair – maybe not exactly a gadget. But you spend more time in your work chair than anything. You don’t want crazy health problems. Get your work to invest in a good chair.

5. The right software – Often you start a new job and you get the very basic software. But to be a work whiz you need the good stuff. You need software like Visio for awesome charts. You need to be able to download a really fast and great browser. Maybe a mind mapping software like Mindmapper.

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