
TSP, Game-Changer for Feds — What you need to know

After more than 25 years at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board — the group behind your Thrift Savings Plan — Tom Trabucco is stepping down.

The 61 year old says, “working for the board has been the highlight of my federal career.” A career which includes time at the National Federation of Federal Employees and lobbying for the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association.

When the TSP was founded back in 1986, lawmakers and feds alike didn’t know what an asset it would become. Think about this, back in 1986 the TSP had roughly 600,000 members. Today there are 4.5 million participants and roughly 300 billion dollars worth of assets in the TSP.

It’s pretty clear Tom was right when he called the TSP a “game-changer for feds.” He says what really makes the TSP special is you — “the participant own it. Congress can’t change it or muck it up in any way. It’s yours.”

Despite it’s many great qualities there are still questions surrounding the TSP. Like why can’t you make more trades? Is the market reflected in my TSP account?

Tom was nice enough to sit down with the Dorobek Insider’s Chris Dorobek to go over some TSP FAQ’s.
TSP, Game-Changer for Feds — What you need to know by cdorobek

Tom’s around for another couple of weeks. So if you’ve got a question about the TSP or how to achieve a lasting career at in the federal government…hit the comment section…and we will do our best to get you answers.

To listen to Tom’s full interview you can catch the full radio show at GovLoop Insights or your can subscribe to our itunes channel.

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