
Update on 2010 Charity Challenge – Almost There!

We’re almost there!

We’re at right around $3,600 out of our $5,000 Charity Challenge goal for 2010.

Over 700 new GovLoopers have joined the fold, enabling us to give $5 for each of them to the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA). More details on the Charity Challenge can be found here.

So it seems like an impossible task, but we need another 250-300 people to sign up to reach our goal by end of the day tomorrow (Tuesday, December 21). If 100 of you were to successfully encourage 3 friends, we’d make it!

It’s easy – copy and paste the text below into an email to a few of your colleagues.

Let’s rock it!


Hello! I’m a member of, an online community connecting thousands of government employees. Right now, they are running a 2010 Charity Challenge, trying to give away $5,000 to the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA). And you don’t have to give a thing! Here’s how it works:

1 – JOIN GOVLOOP: (free & takes 5 seconds!)

2 – For each new member, they will donate $5 to FEEA.

In case you aren’t familiar with either organization:

is a non-profit that awards more than $400,000 in scholarships to students each year, provides confidential grants and no-interest loans to federal employees facing unexpected financial hardships, and provides child care assistance for thousands of Feds and their children.

GovLoop ( is the premiere online community for government where nearly 40,000 members are collaborating on common challenges, connecting with peers and catapulting their careers. Plus, they have tools and resources designed to help you do your job even better and make a difference as a government employee.

Thanks for taking 5 seconds to raise $5 for FEEA!

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