
5 NextGen Quotes to Keep You Inspired

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Are you still reeling from the excitement of the Next Generation of Government Training Summit or need some motivation to get you through the day? Here are five inspirational quotes from NextGen presenters to start your workweek off strong!

  1. “The values in our Constitution are pretty cool. Our values in public service are all about fairness, liberty, and equality. This is what makes the ethics lens for us so important.” -Patrick Malone

In his session on the daily challenges of ethics, Malone, Executive in Residence of Public Administration and Policy in American University, added this tidbit of advice to his presentation, informing the audience that public sector work is both needed and important.

  1. “A lot of times we get stuck because we believe we are stuck, and then, we’ll blame that stuckage on leadership or on policies. Those are just symptoms.” – Chris Armstrong

Armstrong, Culture Executive at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), inspired the audience with these choice words during his keynote presentation. Armstrong encouraged the room to change their attitudes about negative culture and embrace change.

  1. “There were numerous days where I had to wake up in the morning and find a way to smile, [but] life is all about understanding how to find happiness even in our darkest days.” –Capt. Deshauna Barber

In her opening keynote, Barber, Miss USA 2016 shared these captivating words with the audience. Her compassion and energy lit up the room, and by her presentation’s end everyone was definitely “pumped up!”

  1. “The places we learn and grow the most are where it doesn’t work out. We, humans, are really adaptable. You will be a better professional in your career because it didn’t work out.” – Dr. Elizabeth Kolmstetter

Kolmstetter has accomplished many feats in her career, but her most prevalent piece of advice was about the setbacks. Kolmsetter encouraged the audience to use their mishaps as learning experiences they could grow stronger from.

  1. “Have you had a Simba moment? Where you realize you have the potential of greatness, that you inherited that potential?” – Paul Allen

In his afternoon session on creating intentional innovation, Allen, Founder, and CEO of the marketing analytics service TrackMaven, shared these exciting words with the audience. Allen motivated the room by inspiring them to reach their greatest potential.

Have any more motivational quotes from NextGen that you’d like to share? Drop them in the comment section below and don’t forget to check out our recap blogs of the sessions!

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