
Are You Guy #3?

Putting yourself out there, feeling uncomfortable, without any assurance or predictable outcome is really hard. But without a guy #3 (watch the video below, specifically around the 1 minute mark), we, as a whole, would never start anything or do anything remarkable. Read this blog post by Seth Godin. To create positive change, someone has to put themselves out there, take a stance, and, with conviction, stick to it. Someone has to then believe in this conviction for themselves, and join in.

Then, a third person has to tip the scale, and watch the masses come. Watch carefully for the 7, 8, and 9 dancers…and then watch as a guy actually runs over. And more start running. Soon enough, people are sprinting down the hill. They see how something has taken root, is validated, socialy accepted, and they realize they have to be in. This is how trends and change usually starts. Wouldn’t it be cool if you were guy #1, #2, or #3?

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