
Best of USAJobs April 17

USAJobs can be a great resource for those looking to enter public service for the first time or career public servants interested in finding new job opportunities. To help promote interest in the site and the thousands of jobs it has listed, GovLoop highlights some of the more interesting opportunities available in a blog post each week. Welcome to the latest edition of our exciting federal employment opportunities roundup!

  1. Logistics Management Specialist

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention needs your help! It’s looking for someone with logistics management experience to help manage the procurement, transportation and storage of Strategic National Stockpile assets designed to help public health agencies during crises. Click here to view the job.

  1. Management Analyst

If you have experience with analyzing processes from a cybersecurity standpoint, then the Food and Drug Administration could use your help. It needs someone who can study procedures and prepare reports for the organization’s chief information security officer. Click here to view the job.

  1. Human Resources Specialist

Do you have a knack for people? Then lend your talents to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during this critical time. It needs a human resources expert who can help recruit and place new hires. Click here to view the job.

  1. Wildlife Refuge Specialist

If animals are your thing, this could be the job you’re looking for. Especially if management is your other thing. The Interior Department is looking for someone who can review the wildlife management plans submitted by field stations to ensure they are in accordance with the objectives of the National Wildlife Refuge system. Click here to view the job.

  1. Equal Opportunity Specialist

If you want to make our nation’s housing fairer and more equitable, then this could be just the job you’re looking for. The Housing and Urban Development Department needs someone who can handle “highly sensitive and difficult allegations of discrimination related to housing and employment.” Click here to view the job.

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