
Best of USAJobs Jan. 10

USAJobs can be a great resource for those looking to enter public service for the first time or career public servants interested in finding new job opportunities. To help promote interest in the site and the thousands of jobs it has listed, GovLoop highlights some of the more interesting opportunities available in a blog post each week. Welcome to the latest edition of our exciting federal employment opportunities roundup!

  1. Microbiologist

Grab your lab coat and get ready to conduct experiments as a microbiologist with the Agriculture Department. They’re looking for someone with experience in microbiology who is comfortable setting up and running experiments. Click here to view the job.

  1. General Engineer

If you like making money, this just might be the job for you. The U.S. Mint in San Francisco is looking for someone to literally help them make money by overseeing the design, development, planning and installation of equipment. Apply for this position and start making more money than you’ve ever dreamed of. Click here to view the job.

  1. Librarian

Who doesn’t like libraries? Quiet, peaceful and full of knowledge just waiting to be discovered, they can be an excellent place to work, too. The National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration is seeking a librarian to help them keep things running smoothly at their Central Library. Click here to view the job.

  1. Maintenance Test Pilot

If your current position doesn’t offer quite enough adrenaline, consider this test pilot position with the Army Reserve Command. You’d be based in Los Alamitos, CA, conducting maintenance test flights of aircraft. Click here to view the job.

  1. Research Forester

If your ideal office is the outdoors, then the Agriculture Department might have a job for you. They’re seeking an intrepid outdoorsperson to help plan and conduct surveys about the nation’s forest resources. Click here to view the job.


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Win swag! The featured image for each week’s USAJobs blog post relates to one of the jobs listed—if you think you know which one it is, tweet us @GovLoop with your answer and we’ll send you a GovLoop swag pack!

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