
Careers in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

Are you looking to take your
government career to another level?

Congratulations – you’ve come to the right place. The GovLoop Careers Sub-Community is dedicated to connecting you with the people and resources that will vault your career.

Share – First, we want to encourage you to use it as your starting point for asking questions or sharing your insights. Got a question at work? Have an idea you want to share? Hit “ask a question” or “write post” to get going

Here’s a quick orientation to the rest of the page:

We’ve pulled all the career-related blogs on GovLoop into one place:
Example Personally Thriving in 2012: The Power of Focus

What problems are you and your peers facing in career advancement? Help each other here:
Example Do you think federal managers know how to manage millenials?

Each week, we pick our 10 favorite jobs to make your search process a lot easier:

You likely already have several favorite sites you frequent to get career advancement tips. Well, we’ve scoured the web and put them all in one place!

Finally, we wanted to make it easy for you to find specific groups that relate to your area of expertise:

Expert Facilitators
We’ve also asked several experts to help us in posting great information and answering your questions. Meet (and friend them) below:

Paul Binkley

Director, Career Services

The George Washington University’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy
and Public Administration

Julie Jenkins

Communications Analyst

Internal Revenue Service

Tricia Garland,

Human Resource Manager

Arizona Lottery

Camille Roberts

Career Expert

CC Career Services

What do you think? How can we make GovLoop your daily destination, your go-to resource around government careers?

Provide your feedback below or in this open thread.
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