
How Long Will Gov 2.0 Take To Go Mainstream?

I was reading Kelly’s post from the ALI Social Media for Government conference where she stated that this year the vibe was a little tough as people discussed the struggles getting gov’t to use social media.

Which gets me to my question: How Long will it Take for Gov 2.0 to Go Mainstream?

If the OMB memo is released in late May 09, how long will it take for agencies to really get going on this?

The analogy to me is web 1.0 – how long did it take for all agencies to get online and realize they need a website?

In one sense, the pace of change is so fast – Twitter is only 3 years old, Facebook – 5 years old. But gov’t often moves slow (how long have we been negotiating the YouTube contract – almost a year now?).

How long will it take for all agencies to make real steps in using social media to be open, transparent, and collaborative?

6 months? 1 year? 2 years? 4 years?

Would love your thoughts…

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