
Live Blogging CFC Leadership Conference: Opening Session

The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.

The 2011 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Leadership Conference kicked off this morning at 815. The opening presentation covered the structure of the CFC and familiarized participants with the organization.The CFC was established by President Kennedy in 1961, and this year the CFC is celebrating their 50th Anniversary. The CFC is the largest workplace campaign in the world, with over 200 campaigns. The DC chapter of the CFC is called the CFCNCA.

The presentation covered the “3 C’s” of the CFC, confidence, choice and convenience. In terms of structure of the CFC, OPM sets the policy and procedure, LFCC conducts the local campaigns, and PFCO (Principal Combined Fund Organization) manages local campaigns.

One of the more interesting parts of the CFC is the PCFO is a 501(c)(3) organization, which manages all aspects of the campaign, conduct efficient and effective campaign, develops campaign materials and trains loaned executives, campaign managers, coordinators and key workers. They are also responsible for the submission of the financial audit.

OPM publishes the regulations that authroize the CFC to soliciate empoyees on behalf of charities. The regulations do not apply to collection of gifts in kind, such as food, clothing and toys. The director of OPM exercises general supervision over all operations of the CFC. The presentation encourages employees to seek consel from OPM if they have any concerns about violations of regulations. The regulations can be found at

Participating charities are comprised by of local, national and international charities – which are all vetted by federal employees. Every charity has been looked at and reviewed by OPM to assure compliance to be part of the campaign. Federal agencies must reach out to leadership to get buyin to campaign to arrange schedules to kick off campaigns. Campaign managers must ensure that all employees are encouraged to participate. The presentation told the audience to first lead, then do.

Loaned Executives are a critical part of the CFC. Loaned Executives are Federal personnel “on loan” to the campaign full time. They serve as a liaison for the cmapaign to provide support to federal agency campaign, conduct training and briefings, ensure delivery of materials and reporting of pledges and finally, assist with planning events and activities.

OPM will assist with the pledges by developing the model pledge form. The CFC does not allow any write-in organizations, the donor may elect to release name/address and pleadge amount to designated charities. The CFC also offers a payroll deduction program. The minimum donation is 1$ per pay period.

The CFC also warns of preventing coercive activties. Contractors and retirees cannot be solicited, may be given the opportunity to participate. Contractors and retirees can make a one-time donation.

Slides will be available online later this afternoon.

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