
MongoDB in the Federal Space

Yesterday the MongoDB Days tour made a stop in Washington, DC at the Newseum for a full day event around their NoSQL database. While the entire day was jam packed with valuable content and information, here are the main takeaways…

JP Prochazka, of RadiantBlue, summarized the main features of MongoDB in relation to GeoSpacial uses.

Why use MongoDB?

– You are able to store a large number of documents

– Large meta data

– Uses limited personnel bandwidth

– Able to access the data from various locations

How can I integrate MongoDB into my existing workflow?

– Open GeoSpacial standards allowing for integration into the following…

– WMS (Web map service)

– WFS (Web feature service)

– WCS (Web coverage service)

– Open API allows integration of back end data stores

After many trials, JP was able to summarize his lessons learned from implementing MongoDB into his processes:

– Translating MongoDB document results to GeoServer feature data is not 1:1

– Challenging to filter bounding box results when location is within nested document

– Challenging to provide accurate page limits

– MongoDB is not perfect, but the implementation is worth it

– Code provided to OpenGeo development team

Are there any GovLoop members who attended MongoDB Days in Washington, DC or plan on attending in other cities? Is your organization implementing MongoDB into your processes?

Be sure to check out all the Tech Resources housed on GovLoop.

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