
Responsive Design in Government – A Case Study from

Governments are starting to realize the importance of responsive design in their web experiences.

For those that don’t know, Responsive web design (thanks wikipedia) is an approach to web design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones)

That’s why I was interesting in reading this case study from on responsive design

Tips from the presentation:

-Lesson 1: Use CSS Media Queries to add CSS based on different screen size, device orientation, and pixels

-Lesson 2: Use Fluid Grids to enable design that stretch and shrink to fit browser

-Lesson 3: Use Flexible Assets to cover content that is not CSS or based in text – such as images/videos

Impact: was rebuilt with a mobile-first approach in 2012 (mobile isn’t a light-version of the site, it is the site) & mobile traffic has doubled within a year and now up to 11% of traffic

Full presentation below:

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