
Shout Out to the AWESOME GovLoop Community Leaders

Did you know that there is an elite, all-star squadron that helps make GovLoop AWESOME!

There is indeed. The GovLoop Community Leaders are the best. Rock-star volunteers that do everything from welcome new members, write member and project of the week series, as well as new activities like Daily Sweet GovTweets, Gov Conference Tweets, run the GovLoop Kiva group, and GovLoop Weekly Poll.

I wanted to say extra AWESOME thanks to these all-stars: Greg, Mary, Andy, Naomi, Heather, Celia, Meghan, Emi, Denise, Nicole, Michael, I.J., Caroline, Pam, John, and Adam.

Interested in helping out? Send me a note. Lots of fun tasks we need help on to make GovLoop grow and together we can improve government from the inside…..

P.S. We’ll give you membership into the elite GovLoop Community Leaders group as a perk 🙂


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