
“Thank You for Your Service”

Over the past year or so, I have made it a habit to say a simple phrase to every TSA Security Officer that checks my identification and boarding pass:

“Thank you for your service.”

Some of them seem surprised, or maybe even a bit confused. Others just say “Thank YOU!” in return. I’m sure their normal day includes a significant number of impatient and irate travelers that express a completely different sentiment.

Often we thank our men and women who serve in the military for their heroic activities – and we should!

But I think we should also make it a point to thank everyone who decides to serve their country through public sector employment.

Do you ever get thanked by citizens?

Do you thank your colleagues in other agencies?

I’d love to start a simple movement that begins in airport lines, but burgeons to become a national renewal of public service appreciation that extends to park service rangers and public works employees.

Will you join me in saying this one simple phrase?

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