
12 Tweets You Missed From Women in Gov

The role of women in government was a hot topic in 2015. Many women rose to new professional heights, heading their agencies and setting an example for future generations. Others lauded the strives government is making toward equal opportunity for female public servants. And more than a few leaders called out the fact that we still have a long way to go toward true equality.

To keep tabs on all of this amazing dialogue, I follow a number of female public servants on Twitter. In case you don’t, I’ve collected a few of my favorite tweets from 2015. They’re worth a read for a bit of inspiration as we keep fighting for more opportunities for women in government in 2016.

Here’s what you might have missed:

Beth Cobert, Ann Dunkin and Denise Turner Roth announced their ascension to top posts at their agencies.

And while Gayle Smith didn’t tweet her confirmation as Administrator of USAID, Senior White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett gave her a shout out.

South Carolina Governor Haley also took to Twitter to praise inspiring women in public service.

Secretary Jewell reminded us that the path to an inspiring federal career starts with access to education (and included a picture of baby Jewell for fun).

Condoleeza Rice raised expectations for what girls can become.

Michelle Obama pointed out that women’s issues are men’s issues, too.

Mayor Aja Brown of Compton reminded everyone that public service is all about hard work and dedication.

Senator Murray threw some shade at the gender pay gap with a well-placed GIF.

House Minority Leader Pelosi advocated for women’s right to work and start a family.

On Women’s Equality Day, Rep. Doris Matsui reminded us that the fight’s not over.

Do you have a favorite tweet from 2015? Share the link in the comments section below!

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