
Best of USAJobs November 8

USAJobs can be a great resource for those looking to enter public service for the first time or career public servants interested in finding new opportunities. To help promote interest in the site and the thousands of jobs it has listed, GovLoop will highlight some of the more interesting opportunities available in a blog post each week. Welcome to the latest edition of our exciting federal employment opportunities roundup!

1. Fish Biologist

If you enjoy the great outdoors and the fish that inhabit them, this opening in Elko, Nevada may suit you. Working for the Interior Department (DOI), you’ll conserve and protect the area’s aquatic and fish habitats for the agency’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) component. Although most of the work will be in an office, you’ll spend plenty of time outside getting your feet wet. You’ll also work with other federal agencies and state, tribal and special interest entities, meaning you’ll have to deploy your communication skills. Click here to view this job.

2. Registered Nurse (Risk Management)

Are you talented at managing your risks? If the answer’s yes, check out this role in Muskogee, Oklahoma. You’ll join the Veterans Affairs Department (VA), working to improve its patient care and standards of practice. Located within VA’s Veterans Health Administration (VHA) component, this job entails identifying issues with its patient care system. You’ll also coordinate peer reviews for quality of care issues, tort claims, patient safety issues and other reportable events. Click here to view this job.

3. IT Specialist (Network)

Have you ever wanted to combine your passion for technology and overseas living? If that’s a winning scenario, look at this Army posting in Poznan, Poland. Once assigned to the Army’s 21st Theater Sustainment Command (TSC), you’ll supervise all the planning, installation, testing and training for the theater’s new IT systems. You’ll also oversee all command, control, communications and computer (C4OPS) operations and planning. Poznan is additionally one of Poland’s largest city, making it an important cultural and business center to live in. Click here to view this job.

4. Economist

If you have an interest in regulations, you’ll want to see this Office of Management and Budget (OMB) gig in Washington, D.C. Nestled in OMB’s Executive Office of the President (EOP) component, you’ll analyze the economic impact on regulated entities, proposed regulations and public policies. The data you’ll examine also has a wide impact; You’ll try understanding the consequences of regulations on areas including healthcare, immigration and civil rights. Click here to view this job.

5. Chief Technology Officer

Chief technology officers (CTOs) are increasingly important, and the Navy is now seeking one for one of its many arms. Relocating to the naval base in Newport, Rhode Island, you’ll become part of the Navy’s Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC). The guidance you provide will directly impact NUWC’s design, development, analysis and evaluation of various tools. Beyond that, you’ll also make sure NUWC’s application of undersea warfare science and technology meet current and future federal requirements. Click here to view this job.

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Win swag! The featured image for each week’s USAJobs blog post relates to one of the jobs listed – if you think you know which one it is, tweet us @GovLoop with your answer and we’ll send you a GovLoop swag pack!

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