
Corner Office Disconnect: My Boss Doesn’t Get My Job At All

The above title is a common complaint heard all over offices across the globe. Of course, the boss and/or leader has to be a little different from the employee but there is a pretty big disconnect in empathy in today’s work world between the corner office and the cubicle.

The DorobekINSIDER sat down with Dr. Todd Thomas, Professor of Leadership at the DeVos Graduate School of Management, Northwood Universityto see why divide is so vast and how the modern leader can close the gap.

In the first half of his interview, Dr. Thomas talked about how leaders need to be more active in trying to connected with the employee experience. With out a concentrated effort a leader will inevitably lose touch with what it’s like to be an employee.
Todd Thomas DorobekINSIDER Interview Clip 1 by cdorobek

Telling a boss s/he needs to be more in touch with employees is easy, but making it happen and making it sincere are extremely difficult. Listen to Dr. Thomas’ tips on how to make the connection with your employees meaningful and fruitful.
Todd Thomas DorobekINSIDER Interview Clip 2 by cdorobek

To listen to Dr. Thomas’ full interview you can catch the full radio show at GovLoop Insights or your can subscribe to our itunes channel.

What could your boss do to better connect with you?

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