
Is Data the Next Natural Resource?

Data is poised to change everything we do.

Just as fossil fuels transformed the global economy a century ago, data should be considered the next untapped, raw natural resource. For public agencies, this wealth of information provides enormous opportunities for greater cost efficiency, service delivery effectiveness and connectivity between the centralized operations and the widely dispersed communities they serve. But data can also pose problems as well. For one, bad actors have access to the world’s abounding data just like everybody else – and they’re finding new and intricate ways to exploit it to commit fraud. And the torrential flood of data is often paralyzing for even the largest public agency, which can render any potential untapped value useless. To help you counter the negative effects of the data economy – while maximizing the benefits – GovLoop and IBM hosted an online webinar on leveraging the power of big data analytics in the public sector. The event took place Thursday, March 28 and featured a framework for connecting data to better decision-making; a roadmap for getting started in using business analytics; and suggestions for building analytics into the culture of your agency.


You can view an archived version of the webinar in its entirety below:

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