
Friday Fab Five – Questions, iPads and Passion

Every Friday, we take a quick look back at the week and highlight five members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s who and what rocked it out this week. Also we want to know how or what you think killed it this week on the site so help us out with your comments below.

5.) Most Commented Blog goes to Five Big Questions About Government Social Media In 2011 by Dr. Mark Drapeau. First off this is massive post with some great points (my favorite is the call for a government niche gawker site). Well not everyone enjoyed Mark’s post as much me which is why it’s our blog of the week. The comments back and forth are intense in this blog but they raise good questions and concerns. Also Mark’s post does what all good posts do it spurs other posts. Check out Andy K’s response and also Andrea Di Maio‘s.

4.) The Most Commented Forum goes to Terri Jones with the discusssion Who’s Rolling Out iPads at Your Agency? As an Ipad user I’m always interested in what othre people are using theirs for. Here’s some the responses from the forum:

The City of Williamsburg started using iPads July 2010 for City Council and key staff. Staff pay half the cost for each. Save more than $2,000 per year just from not printing council agendas and packets. It’s also part of our larger green government effort. We got a lot of great press — USA Today and CNN. Our mayor gave back his city-issued laptop to use the iPad exclusively. One question that came up was transparency, and we’ve made it clear that as with any other communications, anything on the iPad is FOIA-able. – Kate Hoving

3.) The Most Popular Group goes to Web Management. The groups has been having a really active discussion the last few days ever since Pamela Corey asked about what her agency should redesign their intranet in. Suggestions flew in so if you ever want the pros and cons of different CMSs look back to this group, there’s a wealth of knowledge there.

2.) The Quote of the Week goes to Chris Ammon on Aldo Bello‘s blog Are Government and Passion Mutually Exclusive? In the post Aldo talks about how the preception of government would change if we let the passion of public service shine through. Chris’s comment really drives Aldo’s point home by showing how having a face matters.

It’s easy to blast a faceless agency compared to, say, Alice who writes for the DOE blog, for example (I made her up). And the same for content coming from the agencies. If they have to think they’re talking to a bunch of “ones” then how can they write with humanity or passion? I compare it to how aggressively people can drive when the metal surrounding them buffers them from each other. Do we hear about aggressive grocery shopping? Not too often. Because we are forced to see each other and interact as humans. It’s not always pretty but at least its more personal.

1.) Rockstar of the Week goes to Bill Brantley. I know Bill is always showing up on the Fab 5 but he absolutely killed it this week with his Project Management Guide. If you need to get something done check out the guide and let GovLoop and Bill help you knock out tasks.

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