
If You Don’t Have Something Nice To Say: You’re Hurting Your Agency

My mom used to always tell me “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” While I do break this rule occasionally, I try my best to treat others the way I would like to be treated. Obviously, this is important for your personal life, but did you know being kind could be a best practice at your workplace too?

Personnel failing to treat each other with kindness actually costs companies productivity and revenue. Specifically, The Huffington Post cited that among workers who’ve been on the receiving end of incivility:

Treating your workers with kindness is not just the nice thing to do, it’s the practical thing to do. Yet, being nice is more than not being rude. Huffington Post contributor Erika Anderson says kindness and respect at the workplace means:

I would add:

What do you think? Should kindness be a priority in the work place? How can we all improve in this field?

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