
IRS Requests Additional Funding – Plus the DorobekIINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER:

But up front: Engaging Citizens in Co-Creation in Public Services

Let’s catch up on what you need to know

  1. NYT: IRS Cites a Need for More Funding in Annual Report to Congress. The Internal Revenue Service would do a better job with more money to bolster collection and customer service efforts, said the ombudswoman for the nation’s tax collector on Thursday in delivering its annual report to Congress.
  2. Federal Times: CBO suggests tough defense spending cuts. “The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has proposed six ways to reduce defense spending ranging from deep cuts to the military services to controversial reductions in pay and benefits.”
  3. Federal News Radio: By the numbers: 2013 federal retirements. “More federal employees retired in 2013 than the year before, providing grist for the mill for predictions of a coming federal retirement wave.”
  4. FCW: Why the holidays made your BYOD approach a little trickier. “Got a shiny new tablet for Christmas that you just know will make life at work easier? Not so fast, especially if you’re a government employee.”
  5. NextGov: COMMERCE NEEDS MORE MONEY TO MODERNIZE THE CENSUS, SECRETARY SAYS. “The Census Bureau wants to modernize the way it collects data from citizens but without new money from Congress it won’t be able to do that, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said at the Consumer Electronics Show. “
  6. Washington Post: Obama picks his first Asian American deputy secretary of cabinet department. “Chris Lu, who was White House cabinet secretary during President Obama’s first term, is going to be nominated to be deputy secretary of Labor, the White House announced Wednesday, making him the first Asian American to be nominated to a deputy secretaryship during this administration.”
  7. Federal News Radio: Pentagon chief in rare visit to nuke missile base. “Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is making a rare visit to an Air Force nuclear missile base, hoping to boost morale among the men and women who operate, maintain and safeguard the nation’s Minuteman 3 nuclear missiles.”

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