
Meet the Gov Mascot: #9 – Woodsy Owl

It’s Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) this week and GovLoop is teaming up with the Partnership for Public Service to promote PSRW by running a special series called “Meet the Government Mascot.” Each day we’ve been introducing you to a new mascot, then we’ll run a contest on May 6-8 where you can vote for your favorite.

We are on the home stretch of government mascot but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t “give a hoot” about today’s mascot: Woodsy Owl.

Woodsy is the second mascot we are featuring from the United States Forest Service. Woodsy rolled onto the scene in 1970 with his Earth Day campaign focused on getting kids to “Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute”.

Woodsy was featured in several PSA’s in the 70s showing kids lots of pollution prevention tips to kids ranging from policing camp grounds to picking up trash in the city. As Woodsy’s original campaigns started to take off he started to take on other issues like vandalism and nature crime prevention.

In 2006 Woodsy got a make-over and has been feature in more nature campaigns. Woodsy even had an appearance on Family Guy where he is being held back as Peter blatantly liters.

Not only is Woodsy concerned with pollution but he also promotes environmentalism with his new slogan “Lend a hand, care for the land”. Woodsy encourages kids to be healthy by getting out and enjoy nature. He even has day camps for kids to teach them about the outdoors.


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