
Social Media Leaderboard Rankings: US Airforce Facebook Page Ranked #1

Have you checked out the social media leader board yet? Where does your agency stack up? GovLoop developed the social media leader board by partnering with OhMyGov‘s analytics division.

I was playing around with the rankings options, it’s a good comparison of agency to agency on some simple social media metrics. This post we are going to focus on Facebook Fans. Once you select the metric you want to view, you can see the rankings based on the size of the agency (Large/Medium/Small).

Here are the current leaders from the Facebook Fans Category:

Agency Highlight: US Airforce Facebook Page

So why is the Air Force #1 today? I took a look at the Air Force Facebook Page and was impressed by the job they did. There are a lot of active discussions taking place and the site is monitored very well. Here are the Top 7 reasons why I think the Facebook Page Stands Out:

1. Customized and very well branded Fan Page

2. Clearly posts the terms of service for engagement on Facebook

3. Says who are the administrators of the site

4. Links to all social networks and US Airforce Sites

5. Allows Comments

6. Active Discussions

7. Mission centric, clear objectives about the site and the content posted

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