
Whose Line Is It Anyways? Certainly Not Mine

Did you know that public speaking is the number one fear in America? Death is second. No, I am not kidding. When comedian Jerry Seinfeld heard that stat he noted that for the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.

While Seinfeld might be a bit dramatic, public speaking can be scary. Really scary.

Tonight, I am taking public speaking to the next level, by throwing out the script and embracing improv. Here at GovLoop, it is my job to basically to stalk all of you wonderful govies and get your insights and best practices to help other govies do their jobs better. It’s a great job, but one that often leaves me behind the scenes. Safe behind my computer and protected from the judgmental eyes of strangers or worse friends.

But I can’t stay hidden on the sidelines forever. As part of my growth at the company, I am pulling back the curtain and embracing public speaking. Well, not so much embracing as cowering in the corner hoping public speaking won’t leave me in a casket, but I am doing it. Yep, I am throwing caution to the wind and I am taking a two-month class on improv. My class is through the Washington Improv Theater and will apparently convert my current wall flower status to full on prom queen.

Seriously. Just listen to this improv convert.

So as the minutes tick down until my first class starts, help a girl out. Have you ever taken an improv class? Were you scared out of your mind? Did it really help? How so?

Can you tell I am freaking out a little? Help me ease my fears by telling me how improv changed your life and your career.

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