
3 Tips to Help Professionals Say ‘No’ In the Workplace

Imagine listening to your emails pile in your inbox while you are working on a major project before attending an important meeting that starts in 10 minutes. Just then, your supervisor walks over and asks if you could complete an additional assignment before the end of the day.

You accept the task because you want to prove that you’re up for the challenge, but deep down you know that you’re overwhelmed. This is a dangerous habit to form because not only will you have to spread yourself thin to complete everything on time, but it is also detrimental to your mental health.

Contrary to the false expectations that were taught through academia and prior generations, it is unhealthy to overextend ourselves to maintain dependability. Agreeing to take on too many work assignments at once can cause one to feel strained and stressed.

Why Saying No Is Important

Saying no is vital to both your success and the success of your organization. Employees should not feel pressured to take on more than they can handle because it will affect the company’s overall productivity. For instance, a person who’s consistently working late to complete multiple assignments simultaneously is more likely to produce erroneous results if they’re losing sleep to stay afloat. Not to mention, employees may not be able to do their best in situations like this because they will feel rushed. They will not have the appropriate time needed to fully analyze the task at hand. Saying no when necessary allows employees to build healthy relationships with others in the office. Establishing boundaries will help them learn to respect you and your time.

When Saying No Is Appropriate

You need to have a legitimate reason to push back. Before declining a request from your supervisor or co-worker, it is important to assess if this decision is absolutely necessary. Common signs that show it may be time to reconsider accepting additional assignments include if the project deadlines conflict with each other or if you already have a heavy workload. An employee also has the right to decline a request when it is evident that they can’t deliver the results. For instance, this could occur when the task at hand falls outside of your job description, professional scope or doesn’t count toward any promotional opportunities within the organization. If you are experiencing a similar situation, then it is time to start saying no.

Here are 3 tips to help professionals say no in the workplace.

Tip 1: Give a Professional Response

It is important for employees to be straightforward about the reasons why they can’t take on additional work assignments. Most people in the office are simply unaware of their co-workers’ workload and will understand once explained. Also, it is fine to decline an offer on the spot. However, it is crucial that the response is empathetic to show others that this decision was made using a clear, unbiased mindset and not solely based on emotions at the time. Please note that you should not apologize when declining an offer at work because this decision is ultimately for you and your counterparts’ best interests.

Tip 2: Offer Alternative Solutions

Employees who are uncomfortable declining additional assignments from their team can also suggest additional deadlines that work better with their schedule. This option would demonstrate a person’s flexibility and dedication to support the organization. The goal is to communicate that an appropriate amount of time and capacity is needed to complete a project to one’s best abilities. At this point, it would be up to the supervisor or co-worker to accommodate the alternative request. If your busy schedule just cannot handle any additional assignments, offer to help in smaller ways. Instead of fully participating in work projects, offer to proofread paperwork drafts or attend brainstorming sessions to help consult.

Tip 3: Discuss With Your Supervisor in Detail

Lastly, employees can schedule appointments with their supervisors to discuss their workload in detail. To prepare for this, write the assignments that are currently being worked on to clarify their order of importance. That way, it is evident which projects should be completed with urgency to obtain the organization’s efficiency. In addition, it is a part of the supervisor’s duty to make sure their team is properly supported within their roles. They are required to work with their employees to adjust their schedules and ensure they are not overwhelmed with assignments. Most times, managers are unaware that their team feels strained due to work until they decide to speak up. But please do not wait until it is too late.

Briana Richardson-Jones serves as a Justice Department (DOJ) program analyst. Before becoming a federal employee, she pursued a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master’s of Science in criminology with a public policy concentration. She believes she can help prospective and new employees navigate government efficiently while currently doing the same. Briana has discovered creative tips that can help others “work smarter” in the future. She also plans on combining her love for writing and criminal justice to educate readers about current events and community issues affecting people worldwide.

This article first appeared November 22, 2020.

Image by Ana Krach from Pixabay

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