
Python for ArcGIS: Professional Development at the 2014 Esri Federal GIS Conference

This week I had the great fortune of attending the 2014 Esri Federal GIS Conference. GIS professionals from federal, state, and local agencies joined industry experts for two days of workshops, immersion summits, speaking engagements, and hands-on training sessions.

Of course, with over 100 different professional development workshops and seminars to choose from, the real difficulty was prioritizing events. Given that I urged all of us to brush up on our technical skills last week, I thought I should take my own advice. Thus I spent the majority of my time attending skill-based seminars. For the purposes of this post, I’d like to share what I learned at the ‘Intro to Python for GIS’ class.

For those of you looking for ‘big picture’ coverage from thought leaders in industry and government, GovLoop has some fantastic reporting of the GIS conference here, here and here. But for those thinking about dipping their toes in the coding pool, I’d like to share a little bit of what I learned.

ArcPy: Making Life Easier One String at a Time

These days there are two kinds of GIS users: those who use Python and those who don’t-but-desperately-want-to-learn-how. (I happen to fall into the second category.) For the uninitiated, Python is an open source coding language with a large development community and an easy to read syntax. Python was integrated into ArcGIS a few years ago using ArcPy, a site package designed to help users more easily and more quickly perform geographic data analysis, data conversion, data management, and map automation. In short, the primary motivation for using ArcPy is to create automated workflows that eliminate the need to repeatedly perform laborious or tedious steps when performing analyses in GIS. It also allows people to document their work and share with peers for replication. While intimidating at first, learning even some of the basics will make you that much more efficient – and accurate – when performing analyses.

Python Help is Everywhere in ArcGIS

The easiest way to start using Python in GIS is to click any one of the data analysis tools in the toolbox. When you click the ‘help’ button for that tool, you’ll find sample Python code for that tool. Go ahead and cut and paste that code and start experimenting.

Python Basics

If you are still blown away by the code, you aren’t alone. Therefore, a good next step is to become familiar with some basic elements of Python code:

# Now I am going to perform the next function…here we go!

Other Newbie Tips

The world of Python is expansive, and I could probably create a dozen long articles just scratching at the surface of this language – and this is before getting into ArcPy. But I’m just a beginner myself, so I’ll end with a series of resources from the real experts.* For those beginning their Python or ArcPy journeys, best of luck! I’ll meet you on the other side.


* A very special ‘thank you’ is owed to Esri instructor Joel McCune for getting me started on my Python journey. Joel also has his own website and has produced a ton of great content on Python and ArcGIS.

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