
The Dog That Caught The Bus – GSA Administrator Martha Johnson

I’m at ACT/IAC Executive Leadership Council where 800 gov’t IT leaders are congregating.

Keynote is entitled “The Dog That Caught The Bus” by Martha Johnson, GSA Administrator

GSA’s mission is everything for everyone everywhere. To federal, state, local, executive, legislative branches.

Change is happening
-Previously – budgets were squeezed. We were put on a diet
-Today our stomach is being stapled. Going to lose weight no matter what.

Customers are in a hurry. No joke.

Two types of leaders dealing with change.

1 -Panic, terrified what happening to program & mission with budget cuts
2 – Brutal moment but moment for judo. There can be completely different ways to do what we do

GSA roles:

-Role 1 – Orchestration – offer circle of services
Data – they have lots of data on travel, fleets, and more. Can figure out how to be more effective

Coordinated purchasing – collective procure by going to market with coordinated buy

-Role 2 – GSA Goes First

Workspace – First on workspace

Smart buildings – It’s not just about technology but about changing tenant behavior. Not all about technology. So have items like “Hot Days” since San Fran building doesn’t have A/C

-Green proving ground – retrofit older government buildings , 50 smart buildings wired together

-Mobile working – GSA buildings are 22% more efficient than private sector counterparts. If you check turnstyle on buildings, on average day only 50% of people are in the building. 30% on Monday and Friday

-1800/F GSA HQ – Right now 2000 people in building, when done 4500 will be in building by giving capabilities of workers to hot desk

First on resource stewardships

-116 electric cars + charging stations in building

Government sheds 10,000 computers a week. E-waste is a huge problem – close loop at other end of cycle
Sustainability movement can transform government. Really understand supply chain. No waste.

First on Open Government – transparency, participation, collaboration

-Posting data – Bulletin board in the sky. So citizens can see into their government.
-Participation – Ask crowds to brainstorm and help solve problems. Modeling and enabling government

Collaboration – creating a community of problem solving
-Lots of experiments but still at age
-Bring people together to solve problems, not just talk to each other

First on management innovation

-Need to interrupt, no disrupt our organization. Big change overall doesn’t work. Lots of little interruption change and test and poke system.

-Nothing changes a company more than a field trip – went to Disney, went to a zero footprint company

-Slam – put everyone in a room, lock the door, and dont let anyone out until problem solved

If can’t put goals on placemate, no one will do it. Really simple performance plans.

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