
4 Obstacles to Change (and How to Overcome Them)

Whether meeting a cybersecurity mandate or modernizing legacy systems, agencies may relish the advertised outcomes of modernization. But in practice, it’s often difficult to see new initiatives stick.

It’s like organizations have built-in defenses against change. To overcome them and establish a culture built for change, agencies must recognize what these defenses are and institute a strategy to redirect them.

At GovLoop’s virtual summit Thursday, Karen Howard, Head of the Office of Online Services (OLS) at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), identified four key hurdles to change and how agencies can manage them.


Culture has the potential to fuel innovation, but it ends up being a common obstacle.

“Culture becomes a barrier when we don’t build in a culture of change,” Howard said.

Manifesting a certain culture is a slow process, but agencies can expedite it by using certain strategies.


The tricky part about identifying change resistors, however, is that some don’t resist noticeably.

Silent saboteurs are individuals who don’t explicitly protest change. “Sometimes, they don’t know they’re sabotaging progress,” Howard said. It often has to do with an unwillingness or discomfort with technology and how fast it’s moving.


Receiving support for innovative changes is difficult when there aren’t immediate or tangible returns on investment.

“It’s incumbent on those who want to bring in innovative programs to have a solid, data-driven business case that highlights the returns at certain points of the project,” Howard said.


Change can’t be for the sake of change. To get buy-in, articulate what’s in it for others. Clearly and succinctly communicate the business case or need for change.

Don’t forget to register for upcoming virtual summits here.

Photo credit: Alyssa Ledesma on Unsplash
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