
Global Gov 2.0 – “Generation GovLoop” Provoking Profound Change? (France)

Originally posted on
by Jean-Sebastian Stehli on August 12, 2010

A funny thing is occuring in the U.S., a
silent revolution that no one has yet registered, but whose impact on American society
will be felt for half a century to come.

In the next four years, nearly 500,000 baby boomer employees
will retire. Arriving with John F. Kennedy who called his fellow citizens to wonder what they could do for their country and not what their country could do for them, these officers have participated in the race to the moon, created the Peace Corps and established other important programs, including JFK’s successor Lyndon Johnsons Great Society
Just this year, the government will hire 60,000 new employees. Last year, that number was 142,690 public servants. Over 30% were 29 years or less and 25% were between 30 and 39 years. A profound change is coming. In the next 10 years, 400,000 federal employees of the two million will be under 35 years old. They have also attained more education than their elders and have often had experience in an NGO or foundation.
They are the generation who, for a large part, brought Barack Obama to the White House. It is therefore a profound change that is coming, especially as the government attempts to reclaim her core mission activities, which in recent years were undertaken by external consultants, particularly in the areas of health, defense and what is grouped under the heading of “security” ie, affecting the internal security of the country.
For example, in the period 2010-2012, the health sector will need 54,114 staff (doctors, nurses, radiologists, consumer safety, etc..), That of security: 52,000. In addition, the deep economic crisis which saw the rate of unemployment to remain around 9.3%, government jobs are looking much more attractive. Many young, talented adults in other times would have gone to the private sector, but are now experiencing a different view of public service.
These new, idealistic technophiles know how to organize. For example, these officials of the digital age have created their own social network, like Facebook, called GovLoop. It now has 32,000 members who talk, exchange ideas, and gather together at conferences such as Next Gen, a few weeks ago, in suburban Washington
At the same time it could change society, Generation Obama will transform the world of bureaucracy. Instead of a dull career, members with the GovLoop spirit will succeed in the feat of making government cool again for the first time since JFK.The times definitely are changing.

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=> “Greetings in the Name of Global Gov 2.0, My Dear GovLoopians”

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=> “Global Gov 2.0 – Achtung: Stop the Hype! (Germany)”

=> “Out of Egypt: Reflections on Blogging and Beyond”

=> “The Nick Charney Challenge: A Canadian Gov 2.0 Story”

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