
Social Media Tactis: 5 Strategies to Manage Social Media – RSVP for 10/19

Please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions.

Managing a social media initiative is no easy task. There are a lot of nuances to properly manage your social media program. If you are currently managing a program, or starting a new social media initiative, here are 5 things to you should consider:

1 -Review Your Mission Statement

This is so important. Social media should not be a stand-alone project or initiative. For a variety of reasons, you need to tie your social media campaign into your larger organizational objectives. Start by linking social media into your communications strategy. Like any program, you need to show the value your program is bringing to the organization.

2 -Identify what you Want Out of the Program

If your goal is revenue from social media or new client leads, your metrics and goals are far different than if you are trying to raise awareness or build community. Make these goals clear from the onset and base your metrics around these initiatives.

3 -Define Appropriate Content

There are some tricks along the way that you can do. If your organization requires approval before posting, sitting down and sketching out what posts do not need approval works great. For instance, information that has already been distributed across your agency and to the media likely will not need permission to post online, identify which content is safe to post without vetting first and which content you may want to take a closer look at before posting online.

4 -Reach Out to your Network

People out there have already wrote social media plans, strategies, and implemented exciting initiatives – talk to them and learn how you can bring those lessons to your organization.

5 -Be Patient and Persistent

This involves picking the right tools to use, the best tool to use, and knowing where your constituents are. It takes awhile to build your online community – give it some time and give it the attention it requires.

If you are interested in learning more about social media and bringing some great lessons back to your agency, please join us at GovDelivery’s event on Wednesday, October 19th, Social Media’s Role In Cost Effective Solutions. You will be able to connect with others who are working on social media strategies and learn a lot of great lessons to bring back to your agency. You also won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear David Kirkpatrick speak, author of The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company that is Connecting the World.

What’s your experience?

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