Posts By Dick Davies


Work is making and keeping promises. Delegators want to factor complexity into their failure. No points off. Work requires learning and developing improved processes. No points off for ignorance. Work requires maintaining successful relationships in the environment. Losing is losing. Work is a tough game. No one is ever error-free. Which gives everyone a chanceRead… Read more »

Creating Reality

I was sitting in a meeting listening to a social scientist creating a reality with his mouth. He was flashing his eyes, pointing his fingers, threatening doom. I noticed he didn’t have any experimental data or observation, he had a string of slogans and epithets, which having lost their original data and observation didn’t makeRead… Read more »

Learn…And Share

I spend a lot of time reading on the internet, while that little voice in my brain is haunting, “Is this a good use of your time?” Suw Charman, one of my first favorite bloggers told of one of her editors asking, “Why do you read so much? Just write something.” I have written aboutRead… Read more »

Lennie’s Market

“God sells all things at the price of labor” Leonardo da Vinci Way before open source!

The Ego Stack

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to sit down with His Excellency, George Washington, to learn about leadership. As a surveyor, planter, rancher, scientist, distiller, builder, warrior, and dancer, he placed a high value on direct expertise, which allowed him get successful results from subordinates, and quickly correct situations that weren’t going to work. WhenRead… Read more »


I was sitting in a meditation talk, next to my favorite meditator. He said, “Do you meditate?” Yeeesss,,,kinda, but it’s not a sitting meditation like gurus, I tend to meditate in motion. I was working out with a trainer and we had developed an excellent age-specific workout for me Then he wanted to change it.Read… Read more »

Age Is Just A Number

When is the right time to make a scientific discovery? Maybe after your education is out of the way? Whew, now I don’t have to learn any more! It turns out that education isn’t so much about learning facts as about learning how to add to and make use of your knowledge. Education becomes aRead… Read more »

Supporting Cast

Some of the feedback from readers of Knowledge Work was, How did I get time to get out of the office, away from the office? I realized I have some strong feelings about where work happens, including a 15 year old screen saver that floats You Don’t Make Any Money In Your Own Office acrossRead… Read more »

Paper Prototyping

I want to share what may be the core innovation technique, Paper Prototyping. This is a low-cost secret, appropriate when ideas hit, in bed, working flat out, sitting in boring meetings, traveling in a crowded Metro. Ideas are slippery suckers. Take it from me, if you don’t write ’em down, they tend to get away,Read… Read more »

Ten Principles of Sound Public Policy

A VC in NY‘s Fred Wilson wondered how many of his readers had blogs. He set up a poll and a hackpad to put in blog, url and author, comma delimited There are hundreds listed. I put in my two. Browsing the list, I punched on Punctuated Equilibrium and got this. Couldn’t think of aRead… Read more »