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Decide exactly what you want and then manage the decision

“The world has a habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going.” – Napoleon Hill

In order to attain professional achievement, you must decide what you really want from your career. Then once you make the decision, you have to manage it, by sticking to what you said you were going to do.

Take a minute to identify what you love doing. What is your passion? Look deep inside yourself to determine what you really enjoy.

It’s simple. All of us have a gift. Determine whatever it is you enjoy doing that takes the least amount of effort.

Now write it down.


Think back over your past jobs. What have been your most satisfying experiences and your most enjoyable moments?

Your aim is to replicate those feelings as you either embark on a new career or seek to be promoted in the organization in which you work.

But you must first accept the responsibility of deciding what you want and then dedicating yourself to becom- ing the person you need to be in order to get where you want to go.

One technique that many practice with great success is visualization. Visualization is the act of seeing your- self where you want to be in ‘x’ number of years.

For instance, in three years, where do you want to be career wise? What is your ideal job, your ideal salary and your ideal working conditions? Imagine that ev- ery job in the world was open to you. What would you enjoy doing day after day? It has often been said that if you find a job that you love to do, you won’t really have to work a day in your life. Find your passion and this could be true for you too.

Hint: You will almost always be paid more and promoted faster when you are doing something that you enjoy, something that really motivates you.

Action Step: Write down what you must do right now to begin preparing yourself for the exact job or position you really want?


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