Digital Signatures white paper

I have written two books about PDF for Manning Publications Co. This was a great experience. I’ve learned plenty of interesting stuff about writing, and it’s great to have a publishing company renowned for its IT books printing your book, but there are also some disadvantages.

For instance: as an author, you’re not free to just give away your book for free. I can understand why not: the publisher has to pay editors, proof readers, and yes: they also had to pay me, so they have to make money one way or another.

Nevertheless, I decided that I would write my next book on my own. That is: without a publisher. In June, I released a first draft to some friends in the industry. Last week I released a second draft: Digital Signatures for PDF

This 90-page white paper explains how to create digital signatures for a PDF document. The final document will consist of about 140 pages, so it’s still a work in progress. I’m publishing it here in the hope that I can find some readers who can help me improve the document.

I would really appreciate it if you share your thoughts about it, maybe send me corrections, suggestions, etc… so that I can keep the white paper free, without losing the Quality Control that is typical for books that are released by a real publisher.

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